#toilet water aesthetic
take-it-on-the-run · 1 month
Not A Lot, Just Forever
Dean Winchester x Pregnant!Reader
After throwing up morning after morning, the reader discovers her illness isn't what she initially thought.
Word Count: 4.1k
Tags: Pregnancy, unexpected pregnancy, brief description of motel bathrooms, vomiting (repeated), self-blame, mention of reader's mother dying in childbirth, mention of childbirth related deaths, anxiety, brief loss of consciousness, Dean is a sweetheart and will make a great father.
Characters: Dean Winchester, Pregnant!Reader, Sam Winchester, Castiel
@ghostlyaccurate requested: "Hii! I'm not sure if I already sent you this request, or if I sent it to someone else (oops🤭) but could I request a Sam Winchester and/or Dean Winchester x reader (your choice which one of them, if not both sepperately) where he helps reader deal with morning sickness, though he only finds out she's pregnant on the third day in a row that he's with her while she throws up. Ty!!"
Read it on AO3!
A/N: Adrianne Lenker title. I really really loved this request! I feel like writing the pregnancy trope is a sort of hard task to do, so I hope I brought it justice. I love love loved writing this, and I hope you enjoy reading it! Thank you for the request @ghostlyaccurate, and I promise I'm trying my damnedest to work through my inbox <3. Every mistake here is completely and 100% my own and of my own doing. (P.S. can you guess how hard it was to find "aesthetic" pictures of a bathroom and pregnancy tests for the pictures for this fic?? I think the ones I found actually work pretty well! Another thing, what happened to the yellow text color? I use it to tag fluff fics, and it's gone :( ).
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Your head hung over the foul toilet bowl of whatever motel you, Dean, and Sam were holed up in, and a rancid smell invaded your nose. In earnest, you didn’t have the slightest idea where you were. The past couple of hours had been filled with a slight fever and the constant need to use Dean as a pillow. Halfway through the drive between towns, you convinced him to switch out driving with Sam so he could join you in the back seat.
The worn tile of the bathroom floor offered you minimal comfort, and the fact you’re supposed to be up for a case in two hours made your stomach churn over again. Ditching your normal avoidance of motel bathrooms, you gripped the edge of the toilet and emptied your stomach again.
“Y/N?” Dean’s groggy voice called out from behind the door, “Are you okay in there sweetheart?”
You squeezed your eyes together, cursing yourself for being loud enough to wake him up. Sneaking out from his arms was a feat enough already, trying to suppress the sound of you losing your guts at four in the morning wasn’t going to happen; even in a perfect world.
“No,” you groaned as he softly opened the door, “I feel like shit De, and you know how much I hate throwing up. And how much I hate motel bathrooms.” You whined. Your hair was falling to the front of your face and you were cursing whoever decided a bathroom didn’t need a working air vent.
Dean hummed softly, pulling the hair back from your face and holding it with one hand as he sat behind you on the floor. He pressed his lips to the back of your head softly, and gently traced shapes on your collarbone as you laid back on him.
“Just breathe, I’ve got you if you need to go at it again.” He said softly, cradling you in his lap as you tried to breathe. He ran his hand through your hair as your breathing started to hiccup less, and eventually, he sat you on the closed toilet lid to get you water.
You felt ashamed to be keeping him up at this hour. Your phone clock read 5:13 AM, almost an hour past when you’d originally gotten up. He already doesn’t get enough sleep as is, and here you are sitting, waiting for him to get back like you aren’t able to take care of yourself.
“Here you go, drink slowly. Did you use the mouthwash I gave you?” He asked as he handed you his water bottle. He stood across from you, tucking his hands into the pockets of his pajama pants. You nodded softly, gratefully gulping down the contents of the bottle.
The bags under his eyes were already enough to make you feel guilty. Hunters were used to running on minimal sleep, but with you around, he’d just gotten into the six-hour range. He rubbed his face, inhaling like he normally did when he was trying to make a decision. You didn’t want to go out for the case. You barely wanted to move your body to get back in bed and salvage what little sleep you could before life kicked you back into gear.
“Do you want to stay here while Sam and I talk to the family?” Dean asked as if he could read your mind.
I love you so damn much. You thought, bowing your head with a sigh of relief. You didn’t want to be the one to bring up staying in; neither of you ever wanted to admit you needed breaks, but if the other one was to bring it up, it made the process easier.
You nodded, pushing yourself to your feet as he opened the door for the two of you, “yeah, I think that’s best for all of us. Don’t need me puking in the victim’s bathroom as you guys ask your questions.” You tried to joke as you and Dean crawled back into bed, tucking yourself into his arms, and splaying your legs haphazardly on top of his.
The next morning wasn’t any better.
Sam and Dean had come home late from questioning the family, and you were barely aware of them unloading the Chinese food they brought for you. Dean sat with you against his chest, still half-dressed as an FBI agent, as you wolfed down the egg rolls he got. You found yourself starving when they offered you food, but now you regretted eating anything at all.
You found yourself hung over the toilet again, but thankfully only had to put up with one round of saying goodbye to your lunch. You were able to get yourself up and over to the sink, where you repeated Dean’s routine from the morning before.
You leaned against the counter in the small kitchen, Dean’s water bottle filled with tap water in your hand. You turned to dump the rest in the sink when the creak of a floorboard behind you had you spinning on your heel in record time.
“Jesus Christ, Dean. Why are you up?” You asked in a hushed tone, placing your hand over your racing chest.
“I could ask you the same thing,” He crossed the small room and came over to embrace you in his arms, “did you get sick again?” He asked innocently, but the combination of those words, and the pitiful shift of his eyes was enough to make you feel like a child. You were a grown woman, you knew damn well how to take care of yourself much before the Winchesters were in your life.
You huffed in annoyance, pulling back from Dean’s chest. You felt your face begin to heat up, and it felt like anything Dean could say had the chance to send you over the edge.
“Yes, I did. Right now, I feel like my body is too hot and too tight for my bones, and I also feel like anything you say is going to make me hit the roof. Even if it’s nice, I just don’t think my brain can take in any more words without wanting to jump ship.” You said you rubbed your temples. Things like this had happened occasionally in the past, and before Dean, you figured it was just because you were a rigid person. One night a particularly bad migraine had led to you yelling at him because he offered to get you some medicine. Instead of just leaving you to stew, like every other partner did, he simply asked you to explain what you were feeling. No judgment, no interruptions, and he’d do whatever you said would make you feel better in that moment.
Now, whenever you felt overwhelmed, he did the same. He’d swallow any sarcastic comment or solution to your problem and listen to you. No matter what was bothering you, at whatever hour of the day, he was at your side, doing what you asked of him without hesitation.
He just nodded, pressing his lips to your forehead before he led you back to the bed you two were sharing for the case. His body threw off heat like a bonfire, and your normally freezing hands were appreciative of that. In this moment, however, it felt like you were burning from the inside out.
You adjusted yourself between the sheet and the comforter, so the two of you could still touch without pressing your skin together. Dean waited for you to still before he made himself comfy, and he gently ran his fingers through the ends of your hair.
“Is this okay right now? Do you want me to leave you be?” He asked, in as soft of a voice as he could. You hummed, smiling at the tingling sensation running through you. Comfort, and a warmth that wasn’t burning to the touch, crawled up your back, and into your head. You tried to focus your eyes for a couple of seconds more, but without your control, they forcefully fluttered shut.
Sheet tangled between your limbs, and you could see the light through your closed eyes. Opening them, you find an unexpected sight. Instead of Dean, or Sam, standing at your bedside, the trench coat-clad angel you’d met five years ago.
“Cas,” you rubbed your eyes as you sat up, “what are you doing here? Where’s Sam and Dean?” You asked.
Cas sighed and sat at the end of your bed. He shot you a quick look, before focusing his eyes on the blank wall in front of him. He tapped his fingers on his legs, a habit he picked up from Sam.
“Dean called me and told me you were sick. I came in, and told him I’d try and cure whatever… ailment is afflicting you.”
You smiled at the way he spoke, and the fact Dean went out of his way to try and help you out, but there was something off about Castiel’s demeanor. You sat up and touched his arm to get his attention.
“Cas, what’s wrong? Did something happen that I should know about?” You asked softly.
“I think you’re pregnant, Y/N.” He looked at you, and there was a rift of guilt lingering in his eyes.
A course of confusion and shock coursed through your body before you felt a rotting pit settle at the bottom of your stomach.
“Why would you… think that, Cas?” You felt a tightness taking over your throat, rubbing your hand across your neck to try and loosen it.
“I can sense life forms. Human ones, at least. It was hard to tell with Sam and Dean here, but once they left I was able to confirm my suspicions.”
Your hand traveled to your lower abdomen before your mouth spat out a request without thinking.
“Pregnancy tests. Can you get me some, please? I just,” you ran your hand across your forehead quickly, “I want to confirm, using non-magical means.”
Cas nodded, “of course. I’m going to assume you don’t want me to let Dean know?”
You nodded your head before swinging your legs over the side of the bed. Deep down, you knew Cas was right. You were late by a few days, but you’d chalked it up to the illness that’s kept you on the bench for this case. You didn’t usually react as poorly as you’ve been to an illness, even when you’d gotten a terrible case of Pneumonia.
Getting up from the bed, you walked into the bathroom as Castiel vanished to get you a couple tests. Looking to the mirror, you’re met with a form of you that was a little scary; purple, slightly-puffy eyes, smeared makeup that hadn’t been washed off from days before, and your skin was breaking out in places it hadn’t before.
Dean hadn’t said a word about it, but even someone as blissfully ignorant as him had to have noticed the way your face wasn’t looking like your own.
You’d have to tell Dean you were pregnant, with his child. That you’re going to be parents.
What if he didn’t want to be a father at thirty-five?
Children weren’t one hundred percent out of the question, but they were longer down the line in hunters’ lives. If you were lucky enough to get out of the life unscathed and find someone who would want to settle down with, you’d likely be creeping into your mid-forties, at best. Mary had gotten lucky with John, but now they’d both been taken away by the thing they’d spent half of their marriage avoiding.
What if you weren’t ready to be a mother at thirty-four?
For you, it wasn’t the question of wanting to have kids, but you never saw you or your boyfriend backing out from hunting anytime soon. To add on, you’d heard of many nasty births that ended in fatality for the infant or the mother, including your own. Every time you and the boys were on a case involving a child, you’d be extra reckless. Dean picked this up within the first couple of times you’d almost gotten yourself killed to save a kid, and you explained your fear to him. The fear of a mother not being able to welcome her child home in her arms, or the child not seeing his mother again, and their fate lying in your hands. You’d already ripped apart your family, and you tried your damnedest to keep as many together as possible.
A ruffle of feathers and a sharp knock on the bathroom door snapped you out of your thoughts.
“You can come in, Cas.”
Wordlessly, the angel stepped into the small motel bathroom holding a plastic bag. He pulled out three different pregnancy tests and set them on the counter.
“The woman working there said I should get a couple just in case one doesn’t work like it should.” He said as you picked up the first test. “I’m telling the truth, but I understand you wanting to confirm this to yourself.”
I know Cas, you thought, but you didn’t say a word. Instead, you stared at him, waiting for him to leave the bathroom, but he had a blank look on his face and didn’t move a muscle.
“Cas, I’m going to need you to leave the bathroom for me to do this.”
“Oh, sorry. Of course. I forgot how ‘hands-on’ human tests can be. I apologize.” He said blatantly before stepping out of the bathroom and shutting the door behind him.
Fuck me.
That’s what got you into this in the first place, dumb ass.
After twenty disgustingly long minutes in the decrepit motel bathroom, you walked out holding four positive tests. Cas was sitting on Sam’s bed, staring out the window, but immediately stood up and crossed the room to you. You handed him the tests, and he placed them on the table between the two beds.
“How do you feel?” He asked. Another thing he picked up from his years on earth was the ability to know when to ask what questions.
You felt blank. Void of answers and solutions to the situation at hand. Whether or not to turn left, or right.
“I… don’t know what to do, Cas.” Your voice broke along with the tears you were holding back, and a sinking feeling of hopelessness began to dig its way through your head.
Neither you nor Dean are ready to be parents. What if Dean’s angry? He would never kick you out of the bunker. The bunker is the only real home any of you have had in a long time, but is it safe? Is the world safe enough to bring a baby into? A Winchester baby, who would no doubt be a target from birth. What if the baby doesn’t make it to full term? What if this baby kills you like you killed your own mother?
“Y/N,” Cas placed his hand on your shoulder, “I’m going to ask you to take a breath.” He drew his hand up and waited for you to inhale. Taking in a shuddered breath, you followed the flow of his hand, stopping your heart from running up your throat.
“Thank you.” You said, sitting down on your bed and grabbing the pregnancy tests off the nightstand. Two pluses, two double lines. You and Dean were careful and used a condom whenever you found extra time together, but somehow God decided that rubber wasn’t going to work as intended.
“I think I’m going to just lay here,” you tuck yourself under the bed sheets once more, the tests shoved into your pajama pants, “and wait for Dean and Sam to get home. I’ll get him out of this stuffy ass room and tell him in private. Sam shouldn’t have to witness if we- if we argue. I know it makes him feel awful.”
“That’s a smart plan. You need to take this one step at a time and do it carefully. I know Dean cares for you deeply, but if you need someone to support you, all you have to do is call for me.” Cas squeezed your shoulder reassuringly.
“Thank you, Cas.” You yawned, pulling your body further under the covers of the bed. Castiel smiled slightly, before turning away and disappearing with a familiar rush of wings flapping.
Your body was covered head to toe in sweat, and the bed sheet you wrapped around yourself was thrown onto the floor. No light entered the room, and the time on the alarm clock read 1:43. Your stomach churned in a familiar way, and as you got to your feet you finally noticed neither of the boys were in the room.
You clambered to the bathroom, phone in hand, trying to call Dean. One hand braced on the toilet, and the other tried to thumb down to his contact. There wasn’t any time to think about the fact you were carrying a baby inside of you, the baby whose father is missing in the middle of the night with no calls or messages.
They always call. You thought before you set your ringing phone on the floor to throw up for the first time that morning. The phone rang, the sound slowly driving you insane each time you redialed Dean’s number between dry heaving into the bowl.
Your hair was sticking to your forehead, poorly swept away and held back. by a rubber band you found on the sink. The heat, the pain, and the fear of losing contact with the Winchester brothers combined with the reality of you being pregnant was finally built up enough to break the swarm of emotions you barely choked down when Cas was in the room earlier.
Eyes burning, you slumped against the sink cabinet and brought your phone to your ear as you called Dean once again. You let out a sob, tears rushing down your face and neck, leaving behind a slightly burning trail. Your breathing became uneven, the sound of your own heart drumming through your ears drowning out the ring of your phone. Letting your phone slip to the floor, you brought your knees to your chest and folded your arms as a nest for your forehead.
Neither of the boys called within the twenty minutes you were in the bathroom, your phone was now close to being dead, and no muscle in your body wanted to obey your brain telling them to move and do something. You weren’t a weak woman, you took the cards you were dealt and tried your best to win, but sometimes all you could do was fold.
“Y/N? Y/N?”
A hand pulled your face from your knees, and you could barely see with the light of the bathroom now on and blinding you. A warm hand rested against your cheek while another briefly touched your forehead.
“Help me get her up, Sammy,” your eyes fluttered closed and you felt two arms hook under both your arms, laying them over shoulders as your feet lightly dragged across the floor.
“I’ve never seen her this bad, Dean.” The voice you now recognized as Sam said. Your legs were swept up from under you and you were laid on the bed you’d crawled out of.
You felt the tests still pressing in your pockets, and you thanked whatever greater being was willing to listen. There was no way you wanted to Dean to discover that information on accident.
The other voice was Dean.
You moron, who else would it be?
The bed next to you dipped down, and you felt a gentle hand tuck a few stray hairs behind one of your ears. The sweat covering you was sucking every inch of clothing to your skin, and all you wanted to do was peel either of the pair off.
“I thought Cas was going to come here and help her out,” you heard his voice straining as he spoke, and you felt your heart snap in two.
You moved your hand, as heavy as it felt, and squeezed the first part of him you touched.
“Sweetheart,” you could feel Dean’s breath as he hovered over you, “you’re scaring me here.”
“Cas…” you gave out a heavy cough, “he came. He helped me figure out what’s been happening.”
A glass of water was brought to your mouth, and you took every drop of it. After swallowing the cup, your eyes finally were able to open. You were greeted by a worried Dean hovering very close to you, and a worried Sam crossing back from the kitchen holding Dean’s water bottle.
Sam set the bottle on the bedside table and sat on his bed, facing you and Dean. Dean’s attention was solely on you. His hands grabbed both sides of your face and brought his lips to your forehead, before resting against it.
“Hey,” you said, chuckling slightly, “I didn’t mean to scare you, De. You, or Sam.” You sat yourself up in bed.
“Did Cas tell you what’s wrong?” Sam asked, looking at you expectantly.
“He did, but… is it okay if I talk to Dean? Alone?” You asked softly.
Sam shot Dean a look, which Dean promptly returned with one that had Sam standing up, and walking into the hall.
Orange rays of light shone from the window of the room, and you could just barely see the sun climbing on the horizon. Dean moved to hold you in bed while you gained the composure to tell him you were both parents.
“Dean…” you breathed steadily, trying to even your heartbeat that was ramping up once more, “I have to tell you something-”
“I kinda gathered as much sweetheart,” he said lightly, lines forming around his forest-lorn eyes beautifully.
“- it’s important. I mean, it’s going to change our lives, for the rest of our lives.”
Dean’s face became more serious, pulling you to face him as he crossed his legs.
“You know you can tell me anything, Y/N.”
Do it, now. Just say-
“I’m pregnant.”
The air hung heavy around the pair of you as you handed him the tests in your pocket, and you could see the clocks turn in Dean’s mind as he stared down at them.
“But we used a rubber?” He said, and you could guess where his thoughts were wandering.
“We did, but you’re the only person I’ve been with for years, Dean, I need you to believe me when I say that.” You said reassuringly as you could without sounding like you were lying.
His face broke into a small smile, and he brought his thumb to trace over your lower cheek, “I know, sweetheart. I trust you with my heart, I just know not to use that brand anymore, seems like their effectiveness is questionable.”
You laughed, tears drying in your eyes as you pushed at him playfully, “Dean! You gave me a heart attack, you son of a bitch!”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry okay!” He laughed, capturing you in a giant bear hug and rolling you on top of him. You looked down at him and brought your lips down to his.
“You’re going to be a father,” you said, beaming at him while smiling the hardest you’d ever in the longest time
“You’re going to be a mother,” he replied, smiling just as hard. Your face fell slightly, and the word mother finally kicked into your head. “Hey,” Dean said as he saw your face shift, somehow remembering the story you told him all those years ago, “Remember, we’ve got an angel on speed dial, and you know how hard it is to take out a Winchester.”
Your heart warmed at the statement, the baby inside of you was just as much L/N as it was Winchester. You loved Dean with your heart, as did he love you, and now the two of you were going to brace the dangerous world you’d spent years protecting with the amalgamation of that love.
You brought Dean’s hand to your stomach as he brought his other hand to your face. His calloused fingers were gentle on your skin, and small crinkles formed around his eyes as he smiled, holding his hand at your stomach as you gazed back at him.
A knock sounded at the door, making you turn your head around before you and Dean burst into laughter, and told Sam he could come back in the room to tell him the news.
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aka-indulgence · 8 months
Hello @llamagoddessofficial :> Wrote another fanfic fanfic for you! I really love the good zoo siren au as someone who does some marine biologies, and I had a burst of inspiration so I wrote the first day working at the aquarium :D I loved writing the parallels hehee
You were a janitor in the Ebott aquarium!!
Which, when you say out loud, does sound underwhelming. But you didn’t mind it. You had come to them in the hopes of becoming an intern, a volunteer, or a staff if things went your way. The lady at the information desk (who was very helpful), had looked quite apologetic when you asked her.
“I’m sorry… but we’re not looking for anymore creature carers at the moment.”
It was quite disappointing, but you weren’t expecting to get accepted straight away, anyway. And you’d already bought a ticket anyway, so you still had an aquarium day all to yourself, not like you were wasting your day. And you had a great day! If you weren’t caring for the animals directly, you were reassured by the fact that your payment is going to contribute to their care.
The day became even better when the lady recognized you on the way out and stopped you.
“We don’t have positions for carers right now, but… how would you like to be a cleaner? I’ll keep you up to date if there are any spots open.”
Naturally, you took it. It wasn’t like you had anything pressing for your schedule right now. As soon as a position opens- whatever it is- you were going to take it by the throat.
It was your first day. You were blasted with warmth as soon as you went in, having to quickly shed your winter clothes for the janitor uniform. It had little fish on the sleeves, which was a cute touch. It wasn’t the most glamorous job, of course. You spent more of your hours in the toilet than you did in the exhibit rooms. But any agitation you got from coming into a stall, only to see tissues strewn about on the floor like someone just blew up a roll after you had just cleaned; was quickly washed away when you went out, to the cool blues, the dancing lights cast in the darkened rooms. Even when you had to excuse yourself in front of the guests to wipe a drink spill in front of the giant ‘Pacific Bay’ aquarium, the music calmed your soul.
It wasn’t very quiet in the afternoon, what with the families and their 300 toddlers running about and crying babies. But when the day waned and the water glimmers dimmed, the one’s left were adults, couples. Then of course, the aquarium closed.
You worked up a sweat that clung to your uniform uncomfortably, after you scrubbed a mysterious stain on the floor leading to the gift shop that seemed to seep into the shiny tile, somehow.
“Hey, Julia?” You called; the lovely information lady that allowed you to have this opportunity in the first place; wandering about the empty entrance to check out. It felt like a bit of a ghost town all of a sudden, as you roamed the aquariums for any management-type people you could ask for help.
“I’m done, right? What should I…”
You stop when you walk by a doorway, into a room that was always darker than the rest, even when the sun was still up in the sky.
… You could walk back into the dinky staff room in the back of the building where they just gave up on aesthetics, a ‘modern’ and unsightly concrete structure. But… you could also just… say that you didn’t find anyone… right? And just… ‘got lost’... in the Deep Seas room…
Looking around, holding a cloth to your heart as if someone was going to chastise you if you hadn’t, you snuck into the room. It was hard to pass up on an opportunity like this.
Ebott aquarium was special, after all. They were one of the few aquariums in the world that had sirens. Three, to be in fact. One orca siren, one shark siren, and a deep sea cecaelia. A spectacular cast, to be sure- it wasn’t a surprise how they won so many awards over the years.
This room in particular was the cecaelia’s, the most reclusive of all the sirens.
You walked past the languid isopods, the floating nautilus, the sparkling comb jellies, to a giant opening in the room where the ceiling extended so you could see the entire tank in all its glory.
It usually looked empty, of course, but the few chances you get to see the cecaelia, it would be a shame to be unable to see him.
Though, as it was now, the tank looked uninhabited, as it usually was. This siren in particular was ‘shy’, though shy wasn’t the right word. It was more that he didn’t like being looked at, as to be expected with deep sea specieses.
Which is why this was the perfect opportunity for you. Julia told you about him- that he was more likely to emerge during after hours. They had cameras in the viewing room, for the purpose of recording his activity whenever he does something interesting to show visitors that he is in fact real, and they aren’t just displaying an empty tank for fun.
The TV display is off now, but you remember the video they posted online, where the most exciting thing that happened was him shooting out of the cave to grab the food they lowered into his tank, before quickly retreating back into the cave. There were screams of children and adults alike going wild.
You read the information board next to the TV.
Skull, Deep Sea Cecaelia
Sirenus cecaelia aequor
Ebott’s most recently acquired siren, Skull was found floating near the surface, a sign of disease or weakness in deep sea sirens. It is our belief that Skull recently acquired the crack in his skull. This may have caused him to grow uncontrollably, though our researchers argue that it might as well be due to deep sea gigantism.
Not much is known of deep sea cecaelias as of now, as they are the rarest encountered sirens in human history, and extensive observation we do have is in captivity, like Skull. 
They are as enigmatic as they are beautiful, deep sea cecaelias are believed to live a mostly solitary life……
Your eyes scan through the text- having read most of it from the other day visit. Your sight is caught on the plaque  next to the board, under the TV. You hadn’t noticed it before, with how full the room was. Boarded with wood and written on a golden plate, it reads:
In memory of Henry Freeman.
Your squint when the gold plating starts shimmering a pinkish hue. And, did it get darker?
You follow the direction of the light to see…
“Whoa-lly shit!” You staggered.
Right there, against the glass, was Skull. He was big, you knew that, his size was listed right there on the board with a human outline next to his to show scale, and you’ve seen the videos of course- but that didn’t prepare you to see him in person.
Just his skeletal upper body dwarfed yours, bones thick and marred with scars of unknown battles deep below, where sunlight couldn’t reach. His pitch black tentacles waved around him like deep shadows in the darkness of the tank, suckers sticking and popping off the glass in tandem. At its base, a single tentacle was thicker than you were.
You held a hand up to your chest. Your heart had jumped at the giant shadow, that glowing red eye of his, the size of your fist, zeroing on you, and a great big smile full of characteristically sharp deep-sea teeth. It must’ve been instinctual fear, having a great predator looking at you, so close, only separated by a couple inches of glass.
The tips of his front tentacles were poking and tapping on the glass.
The initial adrenaline of fear quickly turned to curiosity and awe. You’ve never seen him with your own two eyes before, let alone so close- why was he out? Did he notice the empty room, and the lone ‘prey’ turned away from him and just lunged..?
“Hahahah, am I lucky to be on this side of the glass,” you joked, approaching the glass.
His eye stayed trained on you as you approached, his smile widening. He even lowered his head a little, like he was trying to get on eye level with you.
“Can’t tell if you’re curious about me or if you just really really want to eat me,” you giggle, at the way he was focused on you.
You pressed your hand to the glass, and practically squished your nose to it as you took him in. You could imagine the sounds those great big tentacles were as they moved like midnight waves.
You pull your head back in time to see his eye on your open palm against the glass. A great finger pointed to it, scratching the glass. Then… he presses his hand to the glass, right in front of yours.
Your mouth opens. Your hand just barely fits into his palm. You looked back to the cecaelia. This close, you could see all the little shift in his eyelight, flitting here and there, like he was paying close attention to the details in your face.
His eyelight cast a soft red on your face, your cheeks. A small glimmer in your eyes.
“This is…”
You startle at the squeal, sounding like if a squeaky toy could get excited. When you turned around, you see a woman standing at the end of a hallway, in a white coat and white turtleneck,  looking very ready to walk in the cold.
“How did you,” she strode over to you, long blond hair bouncing as she did, “how did you get him to do that?”
“I’m- sorry?” you sputter. Looking behind you, Skull had retreated a few paces to the back of the glass. “I was just… just…” you shrug, making a face when you remember you’re still holding the cleaning cloth, hiding it behind your back.
“Magnificent!” she stood next to you, one hand on the glass. “We’ve never seen him so interested in a human before. You had him against the glass!”
Skull was swimming around, darting from one corner to the other, keeping his eye on the both of you.
“He’s never done that?”
“Never!” she turns to you, conviction in her voice. “Skull doesn’t like being looked at, he usually hides in his cave when someone walks into the room, not… approach and give them a greeting. The only reason he isn’t rushing back is because he recognizes my face as ‘someone who gives the food’. And like you see now, he doesn’t give me any special greetings. Just having him out and about while someone is in view is stunning, let alone…”
“Oh, so do you feed him?” you ask. Hopefully you weren’t going to get chewed out for dawdling in the aquarium when you’re supposed to be clocked out 30 minutes ago.
“I do help with the feedings.” She says, then extends a hand to you. “Call me Mildred. I’m the head of the aquarium.”
“The… the head?!” Your eyes widen as you shook her hand. “I’m… I’m (Y/n), it’s an honor! To meet you!”
“Oh, please, I’m much more interested in you!” She smiles, the lines around her lips wrinkled with age, evidence of a lively woman. “Say… are you the new cleaning service Julia picked up?”
“Y-yeah! I mean. Yes,” You corrected yourself. You were talking to the big boss here, and you were a little bashful to find that she knows about you.
“You said you wanted experience in animal and magical creature care, right?”
She presses a finger to her lips, as if thinking for a moment. She casts her eyes to the exhibit, where Skull was still circling above. Then she looks at you with a playful smile.
“... How would you like to come into the siren care team?”
Your heart rate spikes, and you sputter.
“I… wh… hhhhhreally?!”
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lost-decade · 3 months
Brocedes and birthday fic + bathtub fic for the prompt meme!
This is light on the birthday side of it, sorry! And more fluffy than I usually write. But hope you like it :)
“I mean, it looks cool.” Lewis steps back, slipping his iPhone out of the pocket of his cargo pants, snapping a photo and then walking around to take another, as if the angle is going to prompt a revelation about practicality vs design. Lewis likes pretty things, always has; clothes, jewellery, Nico. “But don’t you think it would be awkward to…well, I mean.”
“To what?” Nico’s voice has adopted that tone, light amusement that flirts with innuendo. The sales guy looks at Nico, then focuses his hungry gaze on Lewis, scenting out a challenge. Nico is enjoying this immensely, Lewis can tell.
“We have sold seventy of this particular model already this year,” the sales guy, Charles, informs them. He’s pretty, too. Aesthetically in place in the bathroom showroom among all the gleaming carrara marble vanity units and Japanese style heated toilets. He probably lives in a shoebox high rise like half of Monaco does though. Lewis bets that Sharl, as he had pronounced it, doesn’t have a wall-mounted carbon fibre hammock bath in his flat. He looks at the bath again; for one person it’s fine, he guesses, but the sides are low. Impractical for two. No proper edges, nothing to hold onto if you were to find yourself on your knees, bent forward.
Lewis pictures the water sloshing out all over the wetroom floor. “Do you have anything bigger?” He asks. 
Nico snorts into the brochure, yelping exaggeratedly when Lewis sidles up next to him and jabs him in the ribs. So far, the house furnishing decisions have gone as badly as anticipated. Lewis hasn’t done this before. In the past, a designer had sent him a few links and he’d browsed them in about ten minutes and confirmed which choices he liked the look of. It hadn’t occurred to him when they decided to move in together that Nico would want to actually go to places and pick things and get into bathtubs with his shoes on. 
“What he means,” Nico says, “is do you have anything big enough for two people to fit?” 
“Fucking hell, man.” Lewis drops his head into his hands, but really, he’s used to it. God help him when they get to the bedroom showroom. 
To his credit, Charles maintains his composure remarkably quickly despite the endearing flush of pink that deepens his complexion. 
“Actually this design studio does take commissions if you were looking for a larger model.”
“See, it’s nice isn’t it. I knew you’d come around.”
Lewis rolls his eyes, lifting his foot to press his toes into Nico’s armpit. It is nice. Somewhat uncomfortable, but nice. “I only agreed to it because it’s your birthday present and I know how much you liked it,” Lewis protests. “I preferred the one with the jacuzzi.” 
“No taste,” Nico tsks, earning himself a splash of water in the face. 
“Yeah, must be why I ended up with you.” 
“You love me really,” Nico protests, leaning over the curve of the sleek black carbon fibre panel to place his champagne flute on the polished concrete floor. No glass in the wetroom ― that was another of Lewis’ firm rules that he’s somehow allowed Nico to bypass. Water cascades onto the floor, warm and soapy as Nico shifts and rearranges himself, hair wet and head resting on Lewis’ chest, their legs tangled together. Lewis’ back hurts but he doesn’t mind, not really. “Of course I do,” he says. 
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alexging · 7 months
sean diaz + daniel diaz modern hcs
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i kind of forgot this was exclusively modern at the end just ignore that LMFAO
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- sean has no social media presence whatsoever
- a lot of people from school follow him but he only follows lyla and his track team back 😭 popular loner energy 🥀🐺
- i feel like if sean went to hs now hed be sm more popular esp w girls but hes rlly humble so he doesnt see it at all
- hes stupid and just thinks theyre being nice
- it gets on lylas nerves bc he refuses to believe anybody wants him 😭
- all his stories are like fireworks he posted when he was thirteen that he never bothered to delete
- its titled Highlights bc he doesnt know how to make an aesthetic instagram
- if anything, if he posts now its skate videos, drawings, or funny pics of daniel
- sean def takes 0.5x photos of daniel where his eyes go two diff directions and threatens to send them to lyla whenever he starts acting up
- daniel always throws a tantrum and esteban gets mad and tells sean to delete the pics (he doesnt)
- speaking of daniel he def got wayyy into skibidi toilet
- daniel tries to explain skibidi toilet n sean just tunes him out and says “uh huh” every so often
- hes those impressionable kids that gets into literally anything on the internet. among us, squid games, ROBLOX FOR SURE. sticky ipad baby energy overall!
- sean plays roblox with daniel on very rare occasions. i can imagine daniels avatar is decked out with limited items and sean is a bacon haired woman 😭
- daniel has definitely swiped estebans card a couple times under his nose for his robux…
- daniel purposely chooses games hes good at to watch sean struggle and die over and over again
- daniel watches weird kid youtube videos like… among us 24 hour challenge with spiderman and elsa giving birth kind of videos. sean gets really pissed off partly bc theyre rotting daniels brain and partly bc daniel always put it at max volume in the living room
- once sean gets paid he always goes thrifting. he fs goes to the bins and finds dirty dookie drawls every weekend 😭 but its worth it bc he finds cool shit
- as a skater boy i feel its obligatory for him to wear those afflication types of clothing as well as ironic graphic tees
- sean def wears baggy jeans in 2023 🙅‍♀️ none of that straight leg jeans from the game!!
- he also probably loves those ironic wolf shirts w the galaxy print n thinks theyre so funny
- sean also buys clothes in his style for daniel from the thrift n records 360s of daniel in his skater outfits
- “can i go play roblox now?” “no u have to cover ur nose when u turn around”
- got a buzzcut and surprisingly it looked really good
- esteban, daniel, lyla, and practically everyone else in his life kept making fun of him for being bald and would rub his head like a genie bottle tho
- daniels go-to is “well- well at least i don’t look like… look like caillou!” bc i imagine he tries to make funny comebacks but always stutters in the middle 😭😭
- eventually grew it back out bc he got annoyed at everyone making fun of him. they dont see his blond album cover early 2000s vision 💔
- daniel has no room to talk bc sooner or later he goes to the barber and gets a fucked edgar bowlcut
- sean laughs until he can barely breathe 😭 when lyla sees she TRIES to cheer him up about it but its too late
- even esteban laughs a little but only when daniel cant see bc he knows how much itd hurt him
- back to the blond album cover… sean LOVES music. his playlists are hours long
- i feel like he indulges in a super LARGE range of music likeee from bad bunny to deftones to pinkpantheress
- everybody hates it when he has aux and boos him off
- when esteban orders mexican food, sean and daniel both get horchata. sean dgaf if hes grown he still loves it!!
- i imagine esteban slowly stopped enforcing mexican food and culture overtime. bc of this, daniel knows barely any spanish and has 0 spice tolerance. sean always makes fun of him bc he goes gets water after a couple hot cheetos
- daniel tries to recreate those videos of people eating carolina reapers in hot sauce to prove a point and almost dies
- sean absolutely LOVES halloween. horror movies, costumes, the weather, everything abt it
- a part of him always gets jealous of daniel bc hes no longer considered trick or treating age anymore
- lowkey hed be willing to pull up in a full body costume just so he can trick or treat again
- when watching horror movies, sean will get way too immersed and start judging the people in the movies 😭
- daniels not allowed to watch but he peaks around the corner when estebans not watching
- “why the fuck is she just standing there? RUN! WHAT THE FUCK DUDE?!”
- “language mijo”
- he acts like he cld fight off the killer and explains his mastermind plan during the movie
- he doesnt admit it but he gets jumpy after a horror movie 😭 esteban and daniel take advantage of this every single time
- sean daniel and esteban are a tight knit family REGARDLESS of sean’s moodiness and daniel’s annoying gen alpha brainrot theyre so 😢
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yes im aware that 2016 wasnt tjat long ago but i dont want to imagine sean diaz enjoying dank memes and saying boi 💔
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oneatlatime · 7 months
The Earth King
As always, commentary off.
No. Sokka. No. Stop. This is your stupidest idea yet. I want to LEAVE Ba Sing Se.
Sokka. Listen to your sister. And your other sister.
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Toph embodying my will manifested on screen.
What makes you think the Earth King is going to listen to four teens and their fluffy dog? When I put it that way, this is Scooby Doo. Scooby Doo plus Momo. Does that make Momo Scrappy Doo?
We're going back to Ba Sing Se. Great. Yay. I'm so excited.
It is rapidly becoming apparent that Sokka has lost his mind.
Surface to air rocks is funny. I'll give it to them, that's good.
This fight scene music is fantastic.
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Aang took a level in badass at some point without my noticing.
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I know these hats are inspired by real historical hats, and so I really shouldn't make fun, but these look like the lovechild of a toilet brush and a feather duster.
This fight is majority Toph and Katara. RIP the egos of these several hundred Earth Kingdom soldiers.
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Please ensure your fluffy little butt is securely stored in the overhead bins before takeoff.
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There's no way these guys are still alive. This is what was done to Jet, doubled. They dead.
The girl who doesn't even want to be here is doing all the work. Typical.
My congratulations to Toph, Katara, and Aang for demolishing an army without breaking a sweat. If only season 1 Katara could see you guys now.
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I said in my previous write up that Zuko doing something good always comes back to bite him. I didn't mean it this literally. Did he have to take the jug out with him, or was that for the drama?
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Good job guys!
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Soka steals my job and points out the fulfillment of the Beat Up Sokka quota.
His earthiness has an interesting set of priorities.
So... is this episode just going to be talking?
He brainwashed your friend? Did you miss that he killed him too?
I said in my last write up that Long Feng was Avatar's first competent villain, but the tone he takes with the Earth King is so unsubtle that I'm thinking of rescinding that claim. Unless the King is so dumb that subtlety isn't required?
Toothprints. Sokka the idea guy coming in clutch. Too bad his brain wasn't engaged at the start of the episode.
Appa is a herbivore. Confirmed. Although he should have fangs for aesthetic reasons. Fanged Appa would be metal.
This king is a confusing mixture of endearing and infuriating.
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No mere fever will prevent me from doing mundane actions in the most dramatic way possible!
Way back in the 90s there was a print ad for Chevy trucks that I remember seeing in magazines. It had a shirtless guy in jeans sitting on the bed of his truck in a field, pouring a bucket of water over himself. It was kind of at sunset and had a very late summer vibe. I had completely forgotten about it until I saw Zuko's bucket shenanigans in this scene, at which point I was abruptly -ABRUPTLY- reminded of how much time little me spent staring at that ad.
OH MY GOD. The King doesn't know about trains!!! BLASPHEMY.
Huh. So the King isn't stupid, he's just horrifically naive.
Positive attitude Sokka is kind of frightening. I do not like.
If I told this King that I had a bunch of puppies in my windowless van, he would totally fall for it. So much about the Earth Kingdom suddenly makes sense.
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That one guard is having a doozy of a day.
Did the King just show a smidge of self-awareness? Wasn't expecting that.
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Who is this? I have no idea who this is. I didn't realise how integral the scar was to the character's design. Give it back.
Yikes. A bunch of shmymbolism. I suck epically at decoding shmymbolism unless it's really spoon fed to me, so I'm not even going to try to understand this dream beyond 'poor guy has a really bad fever.'
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Has anyone seen the Spencer Tracy movie Father of the Bride? There's a bit where he has a dream that the floor on the way to the altar does pretty much exactly this. Hungry floors must be a common dream experience.
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If the King is really this completely ignorant of the war, who's been directing the army?
It's pretty neat that Sokka is the spokesperson of Team Avatar, and that no one disputes that.
Aang says "there's a comet coming this summer," but I heard "comic" and I know they made tie in comics for the show, so I was like "ooh a crossover episode!"
"You're already vulnerable. The Fire Nation won't stop until the Southern Water Tribe falls. You can either sit back and wait for that to happen, or take the offensive, and give yourself a fighting chance." -Sokka's dad speaking to the men of the Southern Water Tribe, while his son listens perhaps a bit too closely.
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If the King really was completely in the dark about the war, how does he even know who the General is? Did Long Feng have the power to keep the General from mentioning the war?
"Your majesty I'm General How, head of the Council of Five." "What's that?" "It's in charge of your army." "Right. And what's the army up to these days?" ... " ...I planted a lovely tomato garden this year."
I love that earthbenders don't wear shoes, and that it's culturally normal. Makes an intriguing visual contrast to their fancy duds.
I have GOT to know what Mushi the teamaker's secret file says.
Toph can't read guys.
Sokka, Katara, I get it. You miss home too. But how would anyone at all from your tribe know to send a message for you to Ba Sing Se? Last time you all touched base, you were headed to the Northern Water Tribe. And those guys sent you off to Omashu, not Ba Sing Se.
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Nitpick time! Katara starts reading the text of this letter out loud before she unrolls it.
Katara's voice acting while she's reading the letter is sweet. She's so excited.
Iroh. Priorities. Tea can wait.
"Huh? What's happening?" "You huffed a bit too much cave slime under Lake Laogai. Just ride it out."
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This vase is lit like a main character.
"You're going through a metamorphosis my nephew." Iroh, he's a bit too old for that talk. Hang on I just realised that Zuko went through puberty on that ship. I bet that was rough.
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I don't trust this. This news is all too good.
Aang referring to them all as "the family" hurts a little bit.
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It is unbearably sweet to let Sokka go see their dad while Katara helps the Earth Kingdom plan, but Katara sucks at planning. Then again, the Earth Kingdom sucks in general, so maybe having a sucky planner will be a net improvement?
Either way it's good little sister content.
But there are six Kyoshi warriors. I counted in Appa's Lost Days.
Oh they didn't
Attack hug!
Airbender Zuko is a very effective jumpscare. Don't blame him for freaking out.
You know it's bad when finding the scar intact comes as a relief.
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Nope. Don't trust it.
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Fuck this guy.
Long Feng even eats rocks maliciously.
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Fuck these guys.
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Oh they did. Fuck these guys.
Final Thoughts
And just like that, it all went to shit. Or it will.
I was braced to be annoyed by how conveniently quickly the Earth King got with the program, but it actually fits well into the rest of the episode. Instead of a thing that goes improbably well, it's the one thing that goes right in episode filled with set up for everything falling apart. That bothers me less.
This episode was actually fun. At least until the end. It was mostly talking and Zuko on a bad trip. But it was win after win for everyone but my Ba Sing Se hating self, and it's always good to see your favourites having a good day. But! I have a glimmer of hope! So long as Sokka and Aang aren't completely written out until they return to Ba Sing Se, at some point I'll get some episodes outside of the city. And I have Appa back, so things aren't too bad in the grand scheme of things. I wonder that Appa wasn't upset at having all his people back for five minutes then having them split up again.
I do not like positive thinking Sokka, and I especially don't like that I have no idea where he came from. That point wasn't set up at all. I want my baby cynic back.
If letting Appa go was enough to trigger Zuko's morality crisis to the point of physical illness, why didn't letting Aang go in The Blue Spirit, or choosing to chase after Iroh rather than the Gaang in The Winter Solstice Part 1, cause a similar illness? What is different about this time?
Toph was once again the voice of reason in this episode, or rather my personal audience insert. Although it did surprise me how excited she was to see her mom. I thought that sending bounty hunters after their own daughter was kind of unforgivable, but either Toph doesn't know, or she's a more forgiving person than I am.
I realise now that this should have occurred to me when I watched Appa's Lost Days, but what idiot didn't take the Danger Ladies into custody when the Drill was stopped? btw I keep calling them the PowerPuff Girls in my head.
This episode was simultaneously a finale to a lot of threads and an introduction to a lot more. It was a chance to breathe between crossing the finish line of the 'find Appa' quest and starting the 'season finale' quest. It was also structured backwards. The big fight was like six minutes in. The 'what are we doing this episode?' was one of the last scenes. But it still works. I'll be interested to see what I think of this one when I rewatch it. It was such an info dump that I wonder if my opinion of it will be different once I watch it with all of the relevant facts known to me already. Either I'll appreciate the episode's other parts like the comedy, or I'll be bored. We'll see.
Two episodes left this season! I don't think I'll be getting to those before next year. See you all in 2024! (time needs to slow way down)
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morimementa · 6 months
Things I like about Trolls 3
Floyd reassuring Branch the actions of adults are not his fault.
The giant water slide doodle.
Bruce's weight gain isn't played for humor. In fact, Poppy still sees him as a heart throb and it's presented more as a facet of him discovering himself rather than a personal failing.
The macramé interior of Branch's old house.
Everything looks like it has The Good Textures and I want to touch it. I've been underestimating the joys of Computer Animation.
The reoccurring felt and yarn crafts make me feel very seen.
Bridget and Gristle don't have to be conventionally cute to be main characters.
On that note, they're so sappy and cuddly they remind me of me and my boyfriend.
Bridget and Gristle being barely annoyed that their wedding is interrupted for a completely unrelated issue.
I hope Tiny's coffee is decaf because that child doesn't need more energy.
Floyd is my precious baby girl and I want to gently hold him and reassure him that those big rubber meanies won't hurt him anymore.
I'm sewing a Floyd plush to do exactly that.
The officiant at the royal wedding.
Poppy reassuring Branch that despite what his abandonment issues are telling him, she won't leave him.
Poppy getting a sister and it's everything she dreamed of. She deserves good things.
Floyd whump. I want ALL the fics of him being comforted!
Poppy being all protective of Branch. We love protective girl friends in this house.
The Trolls fighting with toys like finger traps and sticky hands.
There's glitter everywhere, even in the toilet water.
Don't sue me, but I like Crimp. She's just a little creacher.
I bet the reason Vacay is so popular is because being able to bathe in Orbeez sounds like sensory paradise.
Bruce's kids are very realistic kids.
Everything in this movie looks like a fun toy and it makes me happy. I know this is probably to peddle products but I still like it.
Mount Rageous's aesthetic balances between rubber hose Betty Spaghetti people and everything being made of faceted crystal which I didn't realize would work so well.
No one thought about the fact that the authorities would be able to get Floyd to safety easily and then they could do the perfect family harmony on their own time to break the bottle. But then we wouldn't have a movie.
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rodolfoparras · 3 months
I need someone to share this idea (brainrot) with because it's all I can think about-
The archetype of early 2000s older brother was always the hottest thing ever to me but it's also the aesthetic that I love and see myself in to some degree. Watching those 2000s movies and seeing sleazy, alt, gamer/skater older brother character and he's mean and nasty is just..... literally speechless.
And then I thought- Simon as that type of character. Simon as best friend older brother that's kind of mean (but secretly sweeter than you think) and he is punk and in garage band and all he does is smoke weed, jerk off, play drums and skate or ride bike. (I need him to bend me over kitchen counter while my best leaves to go shopping or something and we're home alone-)
Anyways thank you for coming to my tedtalk. My crippling addiction to nasty and horrible men will be the end of me. I might end up making bot and/or writing fanfic with his concept because it's h a u n t i n g me
Oh Absofuckinglutely best friends older brother ghost who’s a bit mean puts on this I’m the older one here facade and acts like the two of you are the most annoying thing to exist
But he always knows when you have a bad day can tell before you’ve even walked through the door, he won’t pry too much just ask “all good?” While practically staring into your soul and if you say yeah sure he’ll just drop the issue but he’ll subtly try to brighten your mood peaks his head into his siblings room and say he just ordered pizza before he swiftly leaves (fully aware that’s your favorite food)
Will offer to teach you how to drive when he hears that you’re trying to get your license and it raises some eyebrow bc that man doesn’t look like he has much patience yet he wants to help you ?
One night you and your best friend walk through the door drunk out of your minds and his sibling is fast asleep while you’re practically puking your guts in the toilet and he’s the one giving you water and helping wash your face grumbling about how kids these days can’t handle their liquor or something maybe even let’s you borrow one of his t’s since you ruined yours
You have a wee bit of a crush on him but you know he’s got a pretty gf so you’ve always thought he was straight and tried to forget about your crush until one day you see a half naked dude walking out of his room and you’re just like🧍🏻
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eatmangoesnekkid · 1 year
Simple Ways to Increase the Aura of Your Home: One of the main purposes of home is to help our bodies recover from overt chemicalization of our world. The world is flooded with a constant force of harmful chemicals that degenerate physical and mental vitality, therefore our home life should be a passionate haven where those heightened chemical variances are limited to non-existent. Therefore consider eliminating or greatly reducing chemical cleaning products and chemical beauty products which will enhance your digestion, your gut microbiome (the main factor that effects our the 7 systems of the body, hormones, mind health, and quality of life) and thereby increase your home's frequency. You want to create a home that supports the healthiest fullest expression of your gut microbiome, the center of your reality. A well-loved microbiome supports an essential resource that grows your life force energy. It supports healthy hydrated longevity that gives you more choices in life, mainly because it supports you in procuring naturally expanded human experience. A healthy gut microbiome helps you to master ways of thinking, feeling, intuiting, and perceiving. Be intentional in actively welcoming in details of beauty all around  your home— plants, books, art, well-made candles, music and the musical, macrame, hanging fabric or beads, color, etc. Invite in the sacred and the edges of the universe into your home--pour libations, chant, sing mantras, and whatever other ritual, divination, cosmic and grounding aesthetics, and ancestral intelligence. Clear clutter in closets and underneath beds and chairs and clean often and with thoughtful detail and intention, place special attention to windows, doors, toilet bowl, refrigerator, sinks, floors, and corners Dance around your home while infusing love into each room; more and more love and tactile loving acts Take out trash often -unpleasant smells distill unpleasant energy Resort your refrigerator daily or every other day-no spoiled food Open windows daily first thing in the morning, even in Winter briefly Ritualize washing your floors and walls every new season with a quality lime or orange essential and water solution, Florida water, and some of concoction that clears energy Mind your recurring thoughts --if you have been thinking in negative ways, no worries--just open windows an air out the energy and clean up around you Air out your bed linen daily Replace plastic with glass It's a living energy .....pray over your home Refresh water on most fresh flowers daily Light an oil lamp, ghee lamp or candles nightly Find a place for everything, and put everything in its place. Get into the habit of donating what you don't use or no longer matches your frequency often Create more white clear space Keep something sacred items by the front door that help clear energy e.g. hanging bells on the door knob Invest in quality kitchen supplies Home is a safe oasis where we repair our energetic relationship with living in an overly masculine, exhausted, mentally chaotic world. How does your home reflect the nourishment and nuturance of feminine energy? How does it inspire rest, regeneration, love, passion, creativity, arousal, playfulness, joy, prosperity, or living more inward-facing rather than externally-focused? India Ame'ye
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Wrecker: Today at 7 am, Crosshair poured a Monster energy drink into his coffee, said "I'm going to die" and drank the whole thing. Hunter: I watched Crosshair brew his coffee with Monster instead of water. Three cups in two hours. I think he ascended into the astral realm. Tech: The survivability of the human race never fails to amaze me.
Tech: Where the devil is Hunter? Wrecker: Well, it is raining outside... Maybe he melted? Crosshair: Shall I look outside for a pointy hat?
Hunter: Yesterday, I watched Wrecker try to eat a decorative rock from Crosshair's potted plant. Tech caught him, and told him he can't eat rocks. Wrecker started whining something about no food being in the house before walking away. The stupidity of my squad amazes me.
*The gang when they drop food on the floor* Tech: Aw man. *Throws it away* Hunter: Five second rule! Crosshair: Foolish germs, thinking they can stop me!? *Eats it off the floor* Wrecker: *Sobs on the floor*
Wrecker: So, what, now I'm just supposed to do anything Tech does? I mean, what if he jumps off a cliff? Crosshair: If Tech were to jump off a cliff, he would've done his due diligence regarding the height of the cliff, the depth of the water, and the angle of entry, so yes. If you see Tech jump off a cliff, by all means, jump off a cliff. Hunter: You jump off a cliff! Crosshair: Gladly, provided Tech did first.
Wrecker, Crosshair & Tech: *screaming* Hunter: *runs into the room* What's wrong, Tech?! Wrecker: Wait, why are you asking Tech that when Crosshair and I are also here? Hunter: Because Tech wouldn't scream unless it's an emergency. You two scream whenever you have the chance.
Hunter: Are you stupid? You guys use the f word all the time Crosshair: Oh my god he censored it Echo: Say fuck, Hunter. Crosshair: Do it, Hunter. Say fuck.
*The Squad is at Home Depot* Wrecker: *Fell in the cacti display while wandering around the garden section* Crosshair: *Shitting in the display toilets* Hunter: *Tokyo Drifting one of those flatbed carts down the aisles* Echo: *Stealing paint chips for aesthetic purposes* Tech: *Just wanted some goddamn lightbulbs and everyone ruined it* Omega: *In the car sleeping*
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kfkr1ze · 11 days
[002-A17] Alien Egg
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Summary — ✈︎ Ushio is getting fed up with how selfishly the other students are living. He approaches Kiroku, who was quietly standing near the noisy group Akuta is in.
Characters— ✈︎ Ushio, Kiroku, Akuta, Muneuji, Nanaki
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Location: Otomari Chuuzaemon Inn in Shodoshima
Ushio: ………
So the sink wasn’t wiped down after it was used, and the mirror has drops of water on it.
The towels are damp, and the toilet paper I personally brought was empty.
And on top of that, they’re playing loud music even though it’s late at night.
…… Hahaha, hahahaha……!
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Ushio: (This is why I don’t want to live with humans!)
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Ushio: You guysーー guh!?
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Akuta: Oops, sorry.
Ushio: …… What is this?
Akuta: Cola!
Nanaki: Aww, it got all over you ‘cuz you suddenly barged in here. Poor thing. 
Muneuji: Do we have any towels around?
Kinugawa, can you make sure there isn’t a mess on the floor?
Kiroku: ……… (Nods)
Nanaki: All of us are having an “American movie style party without adults around” right now. I didn’t invite you though, since I thought you’d hate the noise.
Ushio: ………
Akuta: YAAY〜! Well, I say you’re always welcome to join〜!
Maybe the carbonation will help with the wrinkles from your eyebrows♪
Ushio: … Why are you drinking from the side of the can?
Akuta: This is “Shotgunning”! I saw it once in a movie.
So you poke a hole at the bottom of the can, and then you put your mouth to the hole, and chug・straight・from・the・bottom!
If you do, you’ll look super cool and mature y’know. And you’ll be irresistible to girls! That’s why!
Ushio: ………
Nanaki: Ahahaha. You’re so stupid y’know〜. It’s soothing in a way.
Ushio: It’s really not.
Muneuji: Apparently, this is how all adults drink canned drinks. This is very enlightening.
Ushio: … Your helmet is completely waterproofing you.
Muneuji: Yes. It’s comfortable to wear, and it also protects me against splashes.
Akuta: UOOOORYAAA~~! Okay, another round!
Nanaki: Let’s see, which song should we play next? Choosing the right songs is all up to the DJ’s sense of music.
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Ushio: You guys can all go to hell.
Akuta: Eh!? Well, whatever that’s fine! Let’s go let’s go!
Nanaki: I’m fine going too. When that happens, I’ll just drag you down with me.
Ushio: ………
Kiroku: …… Ku………
…… Kurama…… I don’t know…… if you know butーー
Right now, the adults… are at a gathering…… with the localsーー
Ushio: ーー Buddha Statue…
Kiroku: ……!
Ushio: Idiotake won’t listen, and I don’t feel like dealing with the bullshit that Panda is saying, so I’ll just talk to you.
Kiroku: ………
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Ushio: Why don’t you stop these guys?
I mean, no matter how you look at it, isn’t this place in shambles? Are you still gonna act indifferent seeing how disastrous it’s getting?
Kiroku: Disast…rous…?
Ushio: It’s way more than just the noise y’know. They use other people’s things without permission, they leave their clothes all over the place after changing, and my face even got completely soaked with cola.
Why are you just cowering in a corner without stopping them? It’s obvious that you guys are gonna get in trouble when the adults get back home, right?
Kiroku: ……Uh… Ah……
Ushio: Hey, why?
I’m definitely not gonna let you go until you answer.
Kiroku: …… U… Um……
Egg: ………!
Kiroku: Ah.
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Ushio: ………
Muneuji: Oh. The egg.
Akuta: It’s stuck on Ushio’s face…!
Kiroku: …… The… egg…
Ushio: H……
Kiroku: ……grew… legs……
Ushio: EWW NOOOO, WHAT IS THIS!? Take it off! TAKE IT OFF! Someone take it off!! NOOOOO!
Kiroku: Kurama… reacts like… a little girl……
Ushio: I can’t see anything! Hey Buddha Statue! I know you’re there! Hurry, get it! Getittt! Take… takeitoff, takeitofffff!
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Kiroku: …Don’t… move…
Egg: ………
Ushio: …What the fuck was that…
Kiroku: The egg… grew…legs…
Ushio: I can fucking see that! What is up with that, it’s disgusting! Why did I have to have something like that on my face…!?
Ugh, I need to clean my face. With a scrubbing brush.
Kiroku: ーー…It’s so… cute……
Ushio: Your sense of aesthetic is screwed up.
Kiroku: ………
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Akuta: Damn, I was totally scared when I saw it for the first time but! It’s so wiggly! It looks so cool!
Nanaki: I'm not sure if it’s a living thing, but I wonder if it has a will of its own?
Kiroku: …… I don’t know… but, it’s … cute……
Muneuji: I’m proud to be a witness of the mysteries of this universe.
Ushio: Why are you guys just chatting about this happily!? This isn’t some normal mystery!
I can’t do this! No way no way no way! I change my mind, fair and square!
I can’t keep this thing anymore! We need to throw it in the ocean! It’s my turn next, so I’m saying this right now! I’m definitely throwing it away!
Nanaki: Yuup, I agree.
Ushio: This is probably the first time we actually agree on something.  OK then, now that I changed my vote, that means Panda, Kinugawa, and I are now on the side of throwing it away. There, we decided on a majority voteーー
Kiroku: ………!!
Ushio: … What are you doing?
Kiroku: I won’t let you have it…
Ushio: Hah!?
Kiroku: I’ll never… hand it over to anyone… I won’t let anyone… harm it…
Akuta: Ah, does that mean Kiroku switched to the “keeping the egg” side?
Then let’s have another vote〜! I don’t wanna throw it away!
Muneuji: I also don’t want to throw it away.
Kiroku: …… Don’t……
Nanaki: Shit.
Ushio: ………
Oh yeah? Fine. Now give it to me.
Kiroku: You can’t… throw it… away……
Ushio: You’re being paranoid. I’m not gonna throw it away. It’s just my turn with the egg next.
Or do you think that I’m the type of person who’s unable to read the room and would easily just overrule a decision made by a majority vote?
Kiroku: ………
Ushio: (Well, obviously I’m gonna throw it away though.
Ughhh I really don’t wanna touch it… I should put it in a bug cage later or something…)
ーー ‘Kay, I’m leaving first.
You all should make sure you clean up properly.
Akuta: K! Niiight!
Nanakiii, play a new song! One that bangs〜!
Ushio: ……
Muneuji: ………
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News Reporter: “Now, onto the next news.”
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News Reporter: “Earlier this morning, a fire broke out at the Waterfront Park in Tokyo. One of the garbage collection robots…”
Ushio: ………
News Reporter: “There’s said to be no casualties that arose from this incident.”
Ushio: ………
Kaede: (Ushio-kun is watching the news with an expression that looks like it’s the end of the world… I wonder if he’s okay…)
Ushio: ………
Kaede: (No reply… He doesn’t seem like he wants to have a conversation.)
Muneuji: I’m back.
Kaede: Ah, welcome home. 
Thank you for offering, by the way!
Muneuji: No need to thank me.
Since Kinugawa is working hard by himself in the Atelier, this is the least I could do to help.
Kaede: Kiroku-kun… How is he?
Muneuji: He was enclosed in the Atelier, immersed in his creation as if he were possessedーー
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Muneuji: Kinugawa.
Kiroku: ………
Muneuji: Apologies for interrupting. I’m here to deliver the food from Chief.
It’s a large bento for lunch with a bit of fried food. For a growing boy, it’d be an irresistible dish.
Kiroku: …… It’s big… and… golden brown…… 
Thank yo…
Muneuji: I’ll leave it here then. See you.
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Muneuji: He didn’t seem like he was going to eat it at the very moment, but when he gets hungry, I’m sure he will finish it all.
Andーー I feel like his face changed a bit. He’s not wearing a depressed expression anymoreーー
It’s like he lost what was haunting him.
Kaede: I see. I’m so glad…!
Thank you for the hard wor… Ah.
Is that a souvenir? Is it for your family?
Muneuji: Yes. On the way back, I passed by a souvenir shop. There were a lot of things that looked good, so I bought some for my little sister.
Kaede: (So you’re the type of person who cherishes their sister huh, Muneuji-kun?)
Okay. Could I ask you to give a status report for everyone else?
Muneuji: All right. Firstly, Nanamegi. As you know, he was just composing the music because he felt like he had to. But as of right nowーー he seems to be more motivated
Isotake is also enthusiastic. He’s shooting various videos of scenery in Shodoshima to edit alongside the video of the festival.
Kaede: Everything is progressing steadily then!
(It’s only day 5 of the study tour… The real thing starts the day after tomorrow.)
(The one I’m worried about the most is…)
Ushio: ………
Kaede: (The kid who’s glued in front of the TV… hm.)
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merakiui · 4 months
Are there any mangas or anime you really enjoy?
Yes!!! :D here are just a few I especially love:
✧ Summertime Render - I LOVE THIS ANIME/MANGA OMG...... I cannot hype it enough. The plot and its twists had me at the edge of my seat throughout. All of the characters have such strong personalities, the villains are really well done, the mystery and action are executed wonderfully, the pacing is great, the setting is amazing, the ost scratches my brain!!! In short, everything about this series is 10/10 for me.
✧ Great Pretender - another series I love to pieces! The backgrounds are so aesthetically pleasing,,, uuuwaaaa. The characters are so memorable, and the plots for each individual con are amazing. I'm left breathless every time because somehow the stakes just keep raising. It's so good!!!!! The opening song is also such a banger?!?!!??!! orz I could listen to it forever.
✧ THEO by Aono Nachi - it's such a cute BL. 🥺 I loved the dynamic between Theo and Rei. Maybe it's because I'm weak to master-servant dynamics, but then I also like how emotional their romance is and how stubborn Rei is. It was really wonderful!!
✧ Marriage to the Wolf by Inui Hana - another lovely BL!! I adored the dynamic between Kaede and Ren. The way they couldn't stand each other in the beginning..... slowly growing closer and softening to each other. The way they're both doing things out of obligation at first because it's an arranged marriage and the fact that Ren is holding back for Kaede's sake...... THEIR BANTER!!!!!! orz orz
✧ Devilman Crybaby (the netflix adaptation) - THIS SHOW. It hurts me every time I watch it. The ost is a banger, the art style is amazing, the way I cried ugly the first time I watched it. The "why am I the only one speaking, Akira?" haunts me to this day. I highly recommend it.
✧ ODDTAXI - the plot and the twist omg!!!!!! And the mystery!!!!! I may be biased because Riddle's VA voices Odokawa and I love anything that Natsuki Hanae does!! His work is always outstanding. The opening is also another banger. I can't say much without spoiling something major, but I highly recommend this anime. It's definitely worth the watch!!!
✧ The Disastrous Life of Saiki K - Saiki K my beloved. It always manages to make me laugh. I love Saiki's character. He's so funny, as is the rest of the cast. Kaidou never fails to make me laugh, especially in the dub. He's so silly. I think about "drowning in inch-deep water isn't easy" every day LOL.
✧ Romantic Killer - AAAAA I LOVED THIS SHOW!!!!! Maybe it's because Anzu is such a relatable female lead to me (but also because Riddle and Leona's VAs voice two of the main love interests hehe). It's so fun! It also handles the serious aspects of its plot really well. I loved Anzu's dynamic with Riri.
✧ Death is the Only Ending for the Villainess - it's been a moment since I've caught up with this manhwa, but I love it!!! The characters are all really striking. Most of all, I really like Penelope's character!!! <3 she's such a strong female lead. I like her interactions with all of the characters.
✧ Toilet-bound Hanako-kun - this manga is everything to me!!!! I absolutely adore the plot and its characters. Hanako and Yashiro's dynamic is really cute. :D I forgot what chapter I left off on, but I remember it left me in shambles. T^T
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simtleman · 1 year
Come get dazzled by the silver screen at the ORPHEUM THEATER!
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So after updating all my freaking mods for the new Horse Ranch update (which I couldn't care less about, tbh... the only good thing that came with it for me was— you guessed it!— painted ceilings), here I am once again with a brand new building for the Vintage Save File I'm working on: let me take you on a tour through the stunning Orpheum Theater!
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I OBVIOUSLY couldn't do a Vintage Save File set in Del Sol Valley without including a proper theater where your 1920s, '30s & '40s sims could go watch Golden Age films, get mesmerized by their favorite movie stars' glamour and perhaps even take their dates and get lucky while sitting in the back seats?
I have to say just building the front— mainly the marquee, which I did manually— took me about a solid 3 hours, so apologies if the rooms I decorated last seem a bit uncluttered... I was simply ready to move on to the next build by then lol
Below you can see the tickets window (somehow I always seem to find a way to implement @surely-sims's CC into my builds, I just can't help myself... it works too good around my aesthetic!)
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And the main hall, in which you'll find @ravasheencc's Film Reaper Movie Theater posters that will allow your sims to watch actual movies through a rabbit hole. I don't know if you noticed, but I also finally found the courage to download and play around a little with @twistedmexi's TOOL mod (the lights frames are rotated) after getting inspired by some of the content by @come-hell-or-high-water. The way he/she (?) pays attention to the tiniest details in his/her screenshots made me want to take mine a step further, so thank you @come-hell-or-high-water!
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There's only one movie room, but it has two stories and a beautiful balcony on the second floor you can access to if you go upstairs, through the main hall:
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Upstairs is also where the toilets are located (look at those gorgeous red velvet carpeted ceilings... 9 freaking years I've waited to be able to do that, EA!):
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And, of course, it wouldn't be a cinema without a projection room, would it?:
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Next to the theater you'll find a kinda shabby parking lot, in which Dito Dalton (see my previous post) takes care of some of his businesses every now and then, if you know what I mean:
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And last but not least, if you go through the back you'll find a very small yet cozy home that belongs to the household who owns the Orpheum Theater:
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Who are the members of this household, you may ask? Ah, you little inquisitive mind! I'm afraid you'll have to wait for my next post to find out... but let me tell ya, they have a great background story and will be a great townie addition to this save file :)
Anyway, that's it for today! Hope you guys like this new building and we shall see where this crazy project that's taking most of my spare time lately takes me next lol
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wandafiction · 5 months
Ex-Husband's Clothes - Just Us Chapter 13
Warnings: Fluff, lil over thinking again.
Word Count: 2392
Series List | Chapter 12 | Chapter 14
"Mine or yours?" Wanda breaks the silence that has fallen over us as we walk around the small lake at the park. After we sat down and the people watching session, we decided it would be nice to take a small walk around the area asking more cliché ice breakers. 
"Using my own question against me I see." I smirk down to the older woman who hasn't let go of my hand since we left the bench. 
"Well, because this was my date idea, I should be the one to ask." She defends lightly.
"That makes sense. I think it's best we go to yours, my sister is staying at my place for a few days. Needs a break from the wife and children apparently." We stop for a moment taking in the calm movement of the water, ripples dancing across the surface as a small breeze pulses through the air. I take a deep breath in allowing the smells of the park to engulf me, turning to look down at Wanda who is doing the same thing. "Shall we head back to the car?" 
"Yes! Let's go!" I laugh as she practically drags me out of the park, down the street and back to my car, the smile never leaving her face. Or mine. 
I pulled into a spot outside of the apartment building, the same one as I parked at this morning by some chance. I made sure to lock the car, double checking by pulling the handles (you can never be too careful); and followed Wanda into the building. When we arrived at her front door, number 10 written on the front, she started to fumble with her keys. An obvious nervousness making its way into her movements and face.
"You okay princess?" I ask gently, as she stops fumbling and takes a breath to relax herself.
"Yeah I'm just not sure what state I left it in this morning. I was more worried about what I looked like than what my place looked like." She finally finds the right key, opening the door slowly. 
I will tell you the truth...her apartment was...immaculate. I don't know what she was so worried about. Wanda showed me around the small apartment. It was a small open plan design so everything was open and together. You could walk from the living room, to the dining room table and then around the kitchen counter into the kitchen. Through the living room was a small hallway where there were two bedrooms, I assume,  and a bathroom with a shower and toilet. 
The kitchen cupboards were a dark oak colour with a bark like pattern, with silver kitchen items that matched nicely with the wood look. The kitchen table was a black 8 seater with small round chairs that actually looked quite comfortable. She had two couches facing one another both white with matching cushions and a glass coffee table in the middle of the room. The room also had a gas fire place, decorated by a wooden mental and a fake stone chimney the TV hung from the wall above the mental.
"So this is it." Wanda opened up her arms and spun on her heels, trying to get rid of the last of her nerves.
"It's a really nice place you have Wanda." She smiled bashfully, a small blush growing on her cheeks.
"Yeah! I mean I love an open plan. The aesthetic of this place is beautiful. It works really well together. I mean it feels like I'm in a cabin in the woods or something and not in the middle of New York." She beams at me.
"That's the sort of look I was going for. I've always wanted to move out into the middle of nowhere and just live my life, but with two boys it's not quite possible. Not till they leave school anyway. Please sit, get comfortable. Can I offer you a drink?" A move to sit on one of the couches, tilting my head back to look at her.
"I will have whatever you're having." 
"Wine it is." She turns on her heels, slightly bouncing as she walks to the kitchen to retrieve a bottle of wine and two glasses.
She sets them on the small coffee table in front of us, opening the wine with a pop before pouring us a small glass each, handing me mine before getting comfortable on the couch. 
"Do you want to watch some TV?" Once again she seems to have gone all shy, this is very cute.
"Of course. Anything you would recommend?" I push myself back into the corner of the couch, so I can rest my right arm on the arm of the thing and my left one on the back of the cushions. I took my shoes off at the door so I pulled my legs up bending them so they are tucked underneath my body. 
"How about some sitcoms?" 
"Who doesn't love a good sitcom?"
"That's what I'm saying." She laughs out as she grabs the remote to set up the TV show. 
I finish off my glass of wine, leaning forward to place it on the coaster on the coffee table. Wanda offers to refill it but I let her know I only plan on having one, especially if I have to drive home tonight. She goes all quiet for a second before turning to me.
"Why don't you stay tonight?" She looks down at her hands fiddling with her rings.
"Are you sure? I mean I don't have any clothes though." 
"This is going to sound awful, but I have a few of my ex's clothes that I never chucked out in the back of the closet. He is about the same height as you so they should fit. It's nothing major, just a loose shirt and some sweatpants." She shrugs dismissively, still playing with her fingers.
"Guess I can have another glass then." Her head whips up to look at me, a hopeful glint in her eyes as she smiles and nods letting out a small okay before pouring me a fresh glass. 
"I will go get myself changed, then bring out the clothes for you. You can get changed in my room or the bathroom, up to you. I won't be long." She gets up from the couch, but her movements come to a halt. She turns to look at me, then down to my lips so I pucker them up and she leans in to give me a few quick pecks. "I could get used to this." 
"Me too princess. Me too." I let out a sigh of contentment once she leaves the room. I've known her for three days. THREE DAYS! And she already has this hold on me. Now don't go thinking, you're in love with her already, because I'm not...yet. I mean I can see it. There is just this pull, I don't know how to explain it. But whatever is happening between us, I'm not going to stop it from happening. As Wanda disappears into one of the side rooms, my attention is brought down to my phone that goes off a few times. 
Carol: Hey y/n, just checking if you're coming back tonight or not?
C: Also I went to get some spare clothes from your room and saw the picture frame was missing. Did you move it?
C: Don't worry I found it in your draw. Do you want me to put it back on top of your bedside table?
Me: Hey Carol. No, no plans to come home tonight probably in the morning though as Wanda mentioned she had work. As for the picture, you can place it back on the table that would be great. Thank you 😊 
C: She doesn't know, does she?
Me: Of course not, we have known each other for 3 days. No one outside of the situation knows the situation. I mean look what happened with Loki.
C: You will have to tell her at some point.
Me: I know but right now is not that point.
C: Women have a way of finding these things out.
Me: I am a woman so I know. And I know you know I know so no lecturing Me.
C: Just looking out for you.
Me: I know. Thank you. I love you and will see you tomorrow.
C: See you tomorrow sis. LOVE YOU!
I roll my eyes as I silence my phone, turning it face down on the coffee table. Carol is too protective for her own good sometimes. On the other hand, she does bring up some great points. I will figure it out. What I didn't see when I rolled my eyes and huffed at my phone was Wanda re-entering the room. I had my head in my hands rubbing my face gently.
"You okay?" She bent down matching my height, eyes full of concern.
"Yeah sorry. Just my sister being a little too overbearing for her own good." 
"Right....So here are the clothes, don't worry they are clean. The bathrooms, the second door on the right or my room is the first on the left." She grabbed a small pile of clothes placing them in my lap before she fell back onto the couch getting herself comfortable. 
"Thank you. I won't be too long."
"Good because the TV won't watch itself." She grabs her half full glass of wine bringing it to her plump lips before taking a small sip, a smirk playing on her face as I watch every movement.
I shake my head trying to pull myself together. Right getting changed! I make my way down to the second door on the right, pushing it open with one hand the other holding the clothes. I lock the door behind me and start to get undressed. I take my bra off, sliding her ex-husband's top over my body. It should feel weird wearing her ex's clothes but I somehow feel like it gives me power over him or something. Like if I was to meet him it would be like a big 'Fuck you, I'm wearing your clothes sleeping with the woman you should have never let go'. Not that I know what happened between them. Sooo…
At least the man and some form of taste, because the shirt has a print of one of mine and Tony's favourite bands: ACDC for those wondering. I take off my pants, trying to decide whether to keep on my underwear or not; as I unfold the ex's pants a pair of boxers fall out. Okay, so she kept more than just her ex's clothes. Maybe it's in a box he never picked up. I have decided to wear the ex's boxers as well, more power to me. The fucker. The sweatpants were just simple grey ones, the whole of his wardrobe fit me nicely so we must be around the same height. Although the top may be a little tight around my biceps and the boxers, well they are snug around my leg. So he is a skinny man. Haha! I win! What's my prize. Oh right, Wanda!
Once I'm over my small celebration of the nonexistent competition, I turn the tap on running my hand under the water to check it gets to a lukewarm temperature. I bend down bringing my face close to the running water, collecting it in my hands before washing my face of makeup. However, I wince when I catch my temple and eye with my nail and then remember the reason I had make-up on. Well shit. 
Looking in the mirror it's obvious I am not going to be able to hide the black eye, I mean it's blue and purple for god sakes. The cut I was able to hide behind some hair today, but if I'm going to show off the black eye might as well show off the cut which will most definitely scar. Apparently, chick's dig scars though so all will work out in the end. 
Now just to get my story straight do I tell the truth or not. Or do I bend the truth a little. I could just say I tripped and fell because that is practically what happened, apart from the fact I would be missing out on the vital detail that I had a massive panic attack. No I can't say, oh by the way if I have a panic attack make sure I'm not by any kitchen counters, or any counters for that matter. Yeah, right! Like I can control when I have a panic attack.
Right stop over thinking it, and just go out there she is going to be questioning where you've disappeared too soon. Maybe a black hole will open up, swallow me down and I will end up in a different universe that would save a lot of my time. Right Wanda! 
I fold up my clothes, tucking my underwear and bra between my pants and shirt; and tucking the pile under my left arm. I pat down my wet face with the small face towel hanging by the sink, I take a small breath before unlocking the bathroom door. I shuffle my way down the hallway, trying my best to prolong the inevitable. I see Wanda casually laying on the couch but she sits up when she hears me making my way into the room.
The smile on her face falters, turning into a frown as her eyes scan my face. She gets up from the couch removing the clothes from under my arm placing them on the coffee table, then moves her hand to cradle my face holding each of my cheeks. Her thumbs gently rub at my cheeks making sure not to rub too close to my black eye, but her eyes never leave my face. She bites her lip nervously, moving her index finger to trace alongside the cut on my temple then down and around my eye. This is not the reaction I had expected. I expected a thousand questions to be shot my way, not this careful attentiveness. Her eyes follow the movement of her finger, which then comes to a still and her eyes flick back to mine. 
"Are you okay?"
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ilyjerome · 2 years
i want you to catch a cold with me <3
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pairing; yang jungwon x gender neutral reader! ☆彡
genre; fluffy fluff
prompt; jungwon fell sick, so being the best partner u are, you decide to try to give him breakfast in bed (so cute) ☹️
lowercase intended, not proofread kinda rushed lol
you woke up early today. you had slept early so you’d wake up before him, even while sick, he always managed to wake up before you.
you looked over to your side to see your boyfriends figure sleeping peacefully - his cheeks tinted with a rosey pink and his mouth slightly agape with his chest rising up and down. he looked so cute it made you giggle :((
you finally got up and tip-toed over to your kitchen, what could you make for him? - you decided on pancakes and cutely cut up fruit. (i have no idea what people eat for breakfast) you didn’t wanna go through the process of baking them so you just used the pancakes from the store, and you took the grapes, apples, kiwis and a dragonfruit out the fridge to cut up into hearts for him :)
you take the skin off the grapes, skin the apple and cut it up into many skinny pieces and some hearts, make small dragonfruit and kiwi hearts with your cookie cutter you use for xmas. it looked so aesthetically pleasing and you were so proud of yourself
also making a glass of water for him, you walk back over to your bedroom and slowly to open the door to his still-sleeping figure, he hadn’t moved an inch. you placed the glass on his bedside table while placing the plate on your lap as you sat by him - you moved a hair out of his face, and shook his shoulder.
“jungwon~” … “jungwonn~” he groaned and rubbed his eyes, straightening his back and sitting up a little - “good morning” “morning my love, i made you breakfast” a smile grew on his face as you handed him the plate, he giggled “this is cute. thank you” he reached over to rub your arm as a thank you, “you’re welcome. there’s water here for you too, call me when your done and i’ll take the plate. i’ll be in the living room” you flashed him a smile and left the room.
you heard his shout for you, but it hadn’t even been 3 minutes- you basically forbid him to leave the bed unless he needs to shower or use the toilet and he didn’t mind it. as you opened the door you noticed he left the fruit, “yeah? do you not want it?” you sat on your side of the bed scooting closer, you rubbed his forehead - “you’ll be better soon wonie :)” “i hope so.. i don’t like being so tired all the time. i can’t spend time with you” “but, don’t you want the fruit? they’ll make you feel better, my love is infused in them, can’t you tell?” he flashed you a face, “i wanted to eat them with you”
“won.. you need them more than me, they have nutrients that will make you get better and feel better, plus there’s more in the fridge if i want some.” he moved the bed covers for you to get under them with him. and you did, leaning your head on his shoulder and picking up a piece of fruit and putting it in his mouth. he tried to do the same, but you said no.
“y/n” you hummed in response, “can you look at me?” you sat up and turned your body to him. “what?” he quickly pecked your lips, leaving you in shock and covering them - “yang jungwon! i’m going to be sick!” he laughed. “yeah. i want you to catch a cold with me.” “shut up and eat your fruit.” jungwon giggled at your cuteness and tried to feed you one, you ate it of course, you can’t say no to him after that.
you fed him one of the last pieces of fruit after he ate (most) of them, until you said his name and turned to him. “i’ll catch a cold with you.” you grabbed his cheeks and kissed him, you could feel him smiling throughout it and while you pulled away, you could see the rosey pink tint in his cheeks come back.
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have you read (ugh) Harry Potter and if so how do you compare it to TOH ( also let’s burn Rowling at a stake lmao)
I grew up with Harry Potter so it was a pretty big part of my childhood. It was a fun, fantasy series that inspired millions of children worldwide and had a considerable impact on children's literature. Given its popularity and position in the zeitgeist, it was inevitable that people would be inspired by it, analyze it, criticize it, mock it, etc.
Now I haven't read HP in a long time and it's been a hot minute since I've watched the movies but I think I remember enough. It's also difficult (and probably unfair) to compare TOH and HP because one has 7 books in which to expand its lore and characters while the former only had effectively 2 1/2 seasons. But let's try any way. This got long so there will be more after the cut:
The Owl House is a structurally flawed show and it has a glaring blindspot in how its poc characters are treated but at least it doesn't have offensive tropes such as Jewish-coded goblins and elves who are happy to be slaves.
TOH's biggest strength is probably the likability of its characters and how easy it is to project onto them; Eda is the fun and sassy mentor but struggles with a terrible curse that many people read as a metaphor for chronic illness. Luz is your typical kid protagonist who is curious, excitable, and struggled to fit in at school. Amity was the perfectionist bully but secretly has a soft side. These are all good archetypes for your characters and it's easy to see why they're appealing.
On the other hand, I feel like HP's biggest strength is its world building: Hogwarts feels like a place the reader can step into as do Knockturn Alley, Gringotts, Grimauld Place, the Burrow, 2 Privet Drive, etc. The fact that I can still name all of these places shows the culture impact HP had and just how immersive the books were (and of course, how the movies brought them to life).
I think a big part of this is how HP incorporates magic into its universe: Hogwarts has the moving staircases, a ghost haunting the girl's toilet, floating candles in the Great Hall, the magic makes the setting come alive. When Harry said that Hogwarts was his home, many readers felt the same way.
When I think of the Boiling Isles, I think of how small it feels; there's Hexside, the Emperor's Castle, and the titular Owl House but aside from the last one, none of these places really stand out design wise or even emotionally. Hexside is just another fantasy school except with teeth, and the Castle is just a generic evil overlord castle. And the Owl House only stands out because of Hooty, without him, it's just another house.
As for the magic itself?
Well, the magic in TOH is really inconsistent, especially the glyphs. Here's a post that goes in depth on how poorly the glyphs were incorporated into the show. It's also not terribly creative with its magic: Willow is a plant witch but we only ever see her attack with vines and Gus' Illusion magic is explored in one, maybe two episodes. The only new element that is interesting is Abomination magic, which looks cool but it's basically water bending with goo.
For a show set in another world, it doesn't really do much to distinguish itself from Earth outside of the aesthetics; there's social media, movies, a job fair, and people treat covens like college degrees (which has enormous implications for how poorly done the EC is). It doesn't feel like you're in another world and I think a big part of that is the lack of whimsy in the show.
When Harry Potter explored the castle, the reader did as well, and we were just as amazed and impressed as he was. As Harry explored the wizarding world and all of its creatures and inhabitants, that sense of whimsy and awe never faded. I never got that sense of whimsy when Luz was exploring the Boiling Isles, it felt too similar to home.
If the show had spent more time in season 1 establishing its tone and identity instead of making fun of HP or fantasy tropes in general then we wouldn't have this problem. Hexside is especially guilty of this: look! here's our Parody Sorting Hat! check out our broom game that has nonsensical rules! take that Harry Porber!
As it stands, TOH looks good on paper but it botches the execution of its interesting ideas and concepts. I can see why so many people love it though because some of the things the characters go through are Relatable but for me, I've seen all of this done before and better in other media. If it came out years ago, perhaps it would have left a bigger mark on me, but in the end, TOH has very nice designs but it's undercooked.
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kikiswitchgc · 1 year
Kikis Sub Kinks and Limits
First things first: Consent is key! I will not force you to do anything that you are uncomfortable with.
Second: Some of these kinks and especially scenarios are fantasy only and do not reflect my view on the world. That’s why they are fantasies.
Hard Limits:
Minors are the only nonnegotiable thing! I will not participate in anything with a character or person under 18 years.
Soft Limits:
Soft Limit means „Not Never… but pretty much never!“. These soft limits are negotiable, and if I am in the right mood and they are executed well, they can be part of a role play. But it’s in general best to assume I won’t enjoy these kinks.
Extreme Body Modifications (Amputations)
Now onto the Kinks:
Clothing, Accessories and Restraints:
Bondage, all kinds, ropes, chains, cuffs, leather belts or strips…
Collars or ropes tied around the neck used as a leash
Hair bondage
Gags, ball gags, bit gags, ring gags, spider gags, dildo gags… not as much a fan of duct tape, but thats also fine
Suspension bondage
Leather harnesses, other fetish lingerie
Nipple Clamps
Butt plugs
Dildos inside me
Socks and panty hoses
Garter belts
Skirts in fetish style
Leather clothing
Latex clothing
No panties
Overknee boots
High heels
High Heel Boots etc.
Piercings, in my face preferably ear rings (large hoops), but also depending on the story ear studs, tunnel piercings etc. for my nose, I rarely can withstand a nice nose ring, ranging from small, to thick and sturdy, to large hoops just like earrings; tongue piercings are always lovely!; depending on the story more piercings in my face can be appropriate; on my body, I love nipple piercings, may be rings, barbells, or anything really, belly button piercings and cunt piercings; bonus points for incorporating the piercings in bondage (i.e. being leashed by the nose, connecting nipples and cunt)
Shaved Head
Anything that is considered goth, emo, grunge or metal aesthetic
Clothes that scream slut or bimbo
Clothes appropriate for a particular scenario (business dresses for the office, a school girls uniform, cow outfit etc.)
Kinky Actions performed on me:
Spitting in my face
Emptying alcohol over my head
Golden showers
Forceful drinking alcohol
Drinking piss
Drinking sperm
Using my hair as a towel to clean the floor
Licking anything nasty (floor, toilet, shoes/boots, etc.)
Being told to pleasure (blowjobs, rimjobs, cunnilingus)
Choking at the neck
Hair dragging and pulling
Choking in the throat
Slapping my tits
Torturing my tits
Torturing my nipples
Slapping my ass
Torturing my ass
Slapping my cunt
Torturing my cunt
Breast bondage
Insertion of random items
Fucking in all three holes
Being dosed in freezing cold water
Humiliating writing on my body
Humiliating tattoos
Public disgrace
Humiliating names
Being used as an ashtray
Putting out cigarettes on my body
Water Bondage
Scenario Kinks:
Being tied and used in Public
Being tied and used outdoors
Being held in a basement or attic as a secret kidnapped slave
Walking into wrong part of town and getting used then and there
Being a teacher that gets used by students and other staff
Being in an office and getting used by the staff
Threesomes, Foursomes etc.
Gang Bangs and Orgies
Glory holes
Prostitution, Pimping
Pet play, pony play, hucow, pig
Age play (As long as every person participating and every character in the story is 18+)
Race play
CNC kidnapping and breaking, then Consensual abuse and use
Based on my mood, fantasy(as in elves and magic)/science fiction/horror
Misogynistic fantasy (as in imaging a parallel universe) worlds
Some scenario ideas:
- Prison break with me as a hostage
- A lesbian mistress being broken
- A girl at a party getting drunker and drunker, everybody starts using and abusing her, more and more, until an entire orgy starts, and the drunken girl is completely broken and afterwards enslaved
- A real estate agent getting tied up by the potential buyers and used, then left behind
- A policewoman getting assaulted and used
- The successful CEO of a company getting dominated more and more, until she gives up her position to her master/mistress
- a racist white girl getting kidnapped by a group of non white people and abused
- a white girl that is leftist and queer, getting kidnapped by a group of white supremacists or nazis and abused for being a race traitor
-a female boxer getting demolished in a fight and used thereafter
-a female boxer winning an important fight and getting kidnapped and abused by the loser as revenge
-being brought by my owner to a public place (like an erotic cinema or sex shop/like a normal store, gym locker, public space like libraries, etc., public open space as in a park, public restrooms) being chained or tied up there and to be used and abused
- Being forced by my captors to mate with dogs
- being held in a dog cage with another dog
- being trained as a pony girl
- being held as a hucow slave, bred and milked
- being held as a pig in a mud pit
- Being trained by my parents to be their sex slave
- Being trained by my father, to be a sex slave together with my mother
- Being trained by my brother(s) to be a sex slave
- Being trained by my son/daughter to be a sex slave
- Being the class/university/office slave
- being kidnapped and sold to another country
- Being left in a trash can, for anyone to find me
Any of these can have additional subs or bottoms besides me, like a friend, a sister, a colleague…
You have a kink, that is not listed on here? Go on and ask me about it. It is very likely I won’t have huge feelings either way about it and will probably be okay.
If you are looking for my list for kinks I am into as a domme, click here!
Thank you for reading! <3
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